Turning Car Security Inside Out With Ring Car Cam — Available for Pre-order Now
By Josh Roth, Chief Technology Officer on January 5, 2023
Since we launched our first video doorbell 10 years ago, we’ve continued to reimagine how our neighbors protect their homes and what’s most important to them. I’m always humbled by the stories of how Ring has made a real-world impact, like when Ring Alarm stopped a burglary from happening in Ontario, California, or when footage from one of our cameras helped lead to the arrest of an attempted kidnapper in Ohio, and of course, the number of times our devices helped families find missing loved ones who accidentally wandered off.
As we continue to deliver new security solutions, we’re constantly listening to feedback from customers about what they want. Our founder’s email is on the box of every device we ship, and one of the products he’s most asked about is one to protect the car. Cars aren’t just expensive investments, they’re a lifeline for many, with 76% of U.S. adult commuters depending on their vehicle to get to and from work1. Protecting our vehicles is top of mind. Two-thirds (66%) of car owners say they’re concerned about their car’s security2, and yet one car was stolen every 39 seconds in the U.S. in 20203. In the same way we help customers protect their homes and communities, we want to help them by extending our security expertise to their cars.
Today, we’re thrilled to officially announce the first Ring Car Cam is available for pre-order.

Ring on the Go
Ring Car Cam brings the ease of use and familiarity of your traditional Ring security camera to your car. Just like other Ring products, Car Cam is controlled by the Ring App, giving you peace of mind and the ability to view all your Ring devices in one place.
Part of what makes Car Cam unique is a dual-facing camera designed to record when your car is in motion and when it’s turned off. When your car is parked, Car Cam’s smart sensors detect certain events both inside and around your vehicle. If an event, such as a break-in, is detected, the device will start recording and send a real-time alert to your Ring App, where you can watch what is happening live. Using the Cam’s built-in microphone and speaker, you can speak with anyone in the car right from your phone. In addition to interior and exterior recording, Ring Car Cam also has a unique feature called Traffic Stop. Simply say, “Alexa, record,” and your Cam will record several minutes of what’s happening, despite the car being parked. This feature is particularly helpful if you’re pulled over, or in the case of a fender bender where you want to record the interaction while exchanging information.
Ring Car Cam plugs into and is powered by your vehicle’s battery via the OBD-II port, which enables it to detect and record events even when your car is turned off. It securely attaches to your car windshield and dashboard, and the cable can be neatly tucked away out of sight. Wi-Fi connectivity means Car Cam will send real-time alerts to your phone when it’s connected to your home Wi-Fi, while LTE connectivity keeps the device connected on the move (LTE is available with an optional Ring Protect Go subscription).

Designed With Privacy First
Customer privacy, security, and control are foundational to Ring, and we designed Car Cam to empower customers to protect their personal information and videos, and to respect the privacy of others. When parked, the camera only starts recording when the smart sensors detect an event or when you initiate Live View, and there is an LED light to clearly indicate when the microphone and inside-facing camera are on and recording. A privacy shutter for the inside-facing camera easily disables the interior video and all audio when closed. Additionally, Car Cam supports optional video end-to-end encryption.
Ring Protect Go Functionality
While Ring Car Cam sends real-time alerts when it’s on your home Wi-Fi, Ring Protect Go extends that protection with an LTE cellular connection. The LTE connection means you can receive real-time alerts for events, tap into Live View, and engage in a conversation with anyone in your car all from the Ring App while your car is away from home. Car Cam stores recordings locally for all customers, and the optional subscription unlocks the ability to save cloud highlights. Video highlights are stored in the cloud for up to 180 days, and when you use the Traffic Stop feature with Ring Protect Go, the beginning of the event recording will upload to the cloud for quick and easy access.
Ring Car Cam will begin shipping to customers in the U.S. in February, and you can pre-order yours starting today on Ring.com and Amazon.com. Ring Car Cam will retail for $249.99, but is available for $199.99 for a limited time during pre-order. You can subscribe to Ring Protect Go for $6 per month, or $60 per year.
We’ve expanded Ring over the years and now offer more than 50 devices across five categories, including smart cameras, alarms, and lighting. We’re excited to introduce our first product in a brand-new category for Ring. Your vehicle is an extension of your home, and I’m proud we’ve been able to invent a new way to protect it on your behalf.
1 According to Statista.
2 Data from online survey of third-party panels representative of the U.S. adult population. Survey commissioned by Ring in August 2021.
3 Source: the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

If you have stories or videos you’d like to share with us, please send them to stories@ring.com.