Does Ring Have a Glass Break Sensor? Here’s How You Can Get Alerted About a Broken Window
By Ring on December 11, 2020
Did you know that Ring Alarm and Alexa can help keep an ear out for glass breaking in your home? That’s right: You can connect your Ring Alarm to your Amazon Echo devices and set up Alexa Guard to detect the sound of glass breaking when you’re away, and alert you so you can take action. Setting up Alexa Guard provides you more information about what’s going on in your home so you can keep it safe — and it’s totally free.
Here’s How the Glass Break Feature Works
Ring Alarm packs the power of a whole-home security system into an affordable, customizable DIY package. That means you can add as many Contact Sensors and Motion Detectors as you need for your home — and you can also connect it with Amazon Echo devices to add the power of Alexa.
If an Echo device detects the sound of glass breaking while you’re away, Alexa can send a Smart Alert to your phone. Once you tap on the notification to open the Alexa app, you’ll be able to:
- Listen to an audio clip of the sound that was detected.
- Drop in on the Echo device that sent the alert to listen to what’s happening in real time.
- Send the alert to Ring and activate the siren on your Ring Alarm.
- Request help from the Ring Alarm monitoring center, if you are subscribed to Ring Protect and have enrolled in 24/7 professional monitoring.*
Alexa can also notify you about sounds of smoke alarms or carbon monoxide alarms, and automatically turn on and off supported smart lights while you’re away, to make it look like you’re home.
Here’s How to Get Glass Break Sound Detection
It’s quick and easy to connect your Ring Alarm to your Echo and set up Alexa Guard. Just follow these step-by-step instructions.
Once you have it up and running, you’ll be able to arm and disarm both your Ring Alarm and Alexa Guard at the same time. When you set your Ring Alarm to Away Mode, Alexa Guard will automatically be set to Away too. Or you can have Alexa do that for you. Just say, "Alexa, I'm leaving" when you're headed out, and you’re all set.
If you’re looking for a whole-home security system and the ability to detect the sound of a window breaking, Ring Alarm and Alexa Guard are a great match. Shop now for a Ring Alarm security system and don’t forget to grab a few Echo devices for every room of your home too. Even better, get an Echo device for free if you buy a Ring Alarm and Echo Dot bundle.
* Ring Alarm professional monitoring service is available only within the U.S. (all 50 states, but not any U.S. territories) and in Canada (excluding Quebec). Ring does not own its own professional monitoring center but works with a leader in the industry to provide this service. Professional monitoring licenses are available at: ring.com/licenses.

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