Save Energy With These Home Security Products From Ring
Products & Innovation

Save Energy With These Home Security Products From Ring

By Ring on April 22, 2020

The most important benefit of having a smart home security system is the peace of mind that comes from knowing that your home is better protected. And at Ring, we have a whole lineup of products that come with another perk – they can help you save energy at the same time.

Ring has smart devices that not only help make your home safe and secure, they can also help you use less energy from the grid – from solar-powered smart lights, doorbells and cameras, to indoor and outdoor LED light bulbs. And you can customize, schedule, and control your entire system from one app to use it only when you need it, and save energy when you don’t.

Save Energy With Earth-Friendly Solar

Ring can help you create an affordable, easy-to-install network of smart, motion-sensing, solar-powered security cameras and lights that will help protect and illuminate your entire property, while helping you save energy.

Why is choosing solar a better option? Non-solar devices need electricity from the grid to power them or to charge their batteries. By going solar, you are saving energy because the sun charges the batteries inside the devices. With direct sunlight, you don’t even need to take the batteries out - your devices get a constant stream of power, courtesy of the sun, for free.

Ring solar security cameras and smart lights make going solar easy while improving the Ring of Security around your home. Stick Up Cam Solar and Spotlight Cam Solar come with a connected solar panel. All they need is access to direct sunlight, and you can monitor what happens all around your home. The Ring Smart Lighting Solar Floodlight works great to illuminate outdoor spaces, like your driveway or backyard. The Ring Solar Pathlight is perfect for walkways and paths. And Ring Solar Steplights help you brighten steps and tight spaces around your property.

And if you already own a battery-powered Ring device, you still have a chance to turn your compatible doorbells and cameras into solar ones with a simple accessory. Just add a Solar Charger to your battery-powered Ring Video Doorbell, Ring Video Doorbell 2, Ring Video Doorbell 3, Ring Video Doorbell 3 Plus and Ring Video Doorbell 4 or add a Solar Panel to your battery-powered Stick Up Cam or Spotlight Cam.

Saving Energy Is As Easy as Changing a Light Bulb… to a Ring Smart LED Bulb

If you’re unfamiliar with LED light bulbs, you may not know that they are much more energy efficient and last longer than traditional incandescent bulbs. You can easily use them in most lamps and fixtures that you already have by simply replacing the old ones with Ring Smart LED Bulbs.

The Ring A19 Smart LED Bulb is designed for indoors and covered areas outdoors¹ and it uses seven times less energy than a traditional incandescent bulb with the equivalent brightness. The Ring PAR38 Smart LED Bulb is perfect for recessed lighting both indoors and out². It’s even more efficient, using 7.5 times less energy than a traditional incandescent bulb with the equivalent brightness. Both of these Smart LED Bulbs can last for up to 22.8 years if you use them for an average of three hours per day.

Another way you can manage your energy use is by scheduling your Ring Smart LED Bulbs and other Ring Smart Lighting devices to turn on and off only where and when you need them. You can easily do that from your Ring App when your lights are paired with the Ring Bridge, all it takes is just a few taps to set up. You can further reduce how much energy your lights use by dimming their brightness when you don’t need their full shine.

With these simple tips, creating a smart, reliable, custom home security system that helps you save energy is as easy as flipping a switch.

Choose Ring products that work best for your home and start building your own Ring of Security today.

¹ Suitable for damp locations, do not use where directly exposed to water.

² Use the bulb only in a socket rated for this bulb. Not for use in fully enclosed fixtures.

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