Simple Ways Neighbors Everywhere Can Help Build a Stronger Community
By Ring on February 28, 2020
We believe strong communities create safer neighborhoods. And building a stronger community happens when people come together and everyone chips in. With a little bit of time, teamwork, and these simple tips, you can create those connections and nurture relationships with your neighbors to help build a safer place to live.
Lend a Helpful Hand to Neighbors
Whether it's dropping off a houseplant when a new neighbor moves in or bringing over cookies when they're going through a hard time, little acts of kindness make a big difference in building a community of people that looks out for one another. In Rancho Cucamonga, California, Paul experienced this firsthand. On a windy day, the American flag on his house was blown onto the sidewalk. A neighbor saw the flag on the ground and took the time to return it to Paul's front patio so it would be there when he got home.
Plan a Neighborhood Activity
Whether it’s a summer block party, a book club, or group trick or treating, community events are a great reason for all of your neighbors to get together on a regular basis. Just having fun together makes it easy to build relationships and trust in the community — not to mention, you may make some lifelong friends in the process!
Coordinate a Community Cleanup
What better way to care for your neighborhood than by getting out there and cleaning it up? A well-kept neighborhood sees less crime, reduces the risk of fire, and helps keep unwanted critters at bay.
And if you're not quite ready to plan a full-scale cleanup, look for smaller ways to help your neighbors with the usual upkeep. Just like Todd did in Lancaster, California. His neighbor, David, was away on trash pickup day and couldn’t take his bins to the curb. As it poured rain, Todd took the bins out for the sanitation truck and brought them in afterwards. David was so touched by this thoughtful gesture that he shared the video on the Neighbors app. The response was overwhelming, including one person who wrote, “My neighbor does the same! He’s so sweet taking out my trash cans!”
Organize a Donation Drive
Helping out those in need is a powerful way to foster a sense of community and make a difference at the same time. Find a local organization that helps those who are less fortunate and ask what you can do. Sometimes, the smallest act can make a big difference. Do they need coats for the cold winter? Canned goods for a food bank? Toys for children during the holiday season? Connecting with local charities will strengthen ties to the community and help make your city a better place for everyone, especially those who need it the most.
Attend a Neighborhood or City Council Meeting
Get to know your city leaders and find opportunities to be involved in the decision-making process. You'll find there are all kinds of ways to pitch in — from helping out at local schools to organizing seasonal festivals to planting community gardens. Find something you're passionate about and dive in. The more you can do to be a part of your community, the more people you’ll meet and the stronger your community will be.
Keep up the Yard Work
Beyond adding curb appeal, mowing the lawn, trimming shrubs, and raking leaves are all good safety measures. But it's hard for some people to stay on top of yard work, whether it's because they're elderly, sick, or working long hours. In that case, a little bit of kindness goes a long way. Sally realized this when she saw a Ring video of her neighbor blowing wet leaves out of her driveway in Modesto, California, when she wasn’t home. "It was a wonderful alert," she said. The kind act inspired Sally to connect with the neighbor to show her gratitude. “I stopped [and] picked up a nice peach pie to show my appreciation!”
Stay Connected With Your Neighbors on the Go
Building trust and fostering a community of people that look out for each other doesn’t have to be done all in person. Public safety resources like the Neighbors App provide a free and easy way to stay connected and informed even when you're not at home. In fact, you don’t even need a Ring device to join! Through the app, you can share and receive local crime and safety updates from neighbors and official sources, as well as share Neighborly Moments that highlight the acts of kindness happening in your neighborhood.
These tips are just a jumping off point — use them as inspiration to get involved in your own neighborhood and bring people together, in order to build a stronger and a safer community.

If you have stories or videos you’d like to share with us, please send them to stories@ring.com.