Ring Video Doorbells Get 15+ Million Dings This Halloween and Capture Cute Costumes and Fun Pranks
By Ring on November 4, 2019
Halloween is the busiest day of the year for Ring devices in the U.S., as costumed kids come out in full force around the country and adults use the holiday as a way to play pranks and get frisky. This year was no different, as Ring doorbells chimed 15.8 million times during a 24-hour period, over six times more than on Thursday the week before, when Ring doorbells got 2.5 million dings.

Many neighbors’ Ring Video Doorbells and Security Cameras caught the range of cute and creative costumes that kids (and their parents) dreamed up. Everything from wolves and skeletons to witches and gorillas showed up on doorsteps around the country this Halloween season.
One 7-year-old in Dallas, Texas, even dressed up as a Ring Doorbell himself! Miles "is obsessed with Ring," according to his mom Angie, who said he spends his free time giving friends and family a hard sell on why they need to buy Ring products. "He's pretty convincing and has actually talked people into their purchases." She said his dream job is to be an "inventor engineer"; until then, he engineered a Ring Video Doorbell costume for himself for Halloween.
Ring Video Doorbells saw a ton of action all day on Halloween, but the busiest time for trick-or-treaters was 6:29 p.m. on the East Coast and 6:51 p.m. on the West Coast. During the 7 p.m. hour, there were more than 5.3 million dings on Ring doorbells across the country.

A lot of homeowners left candy on their front porches as a kind of honor system for trick-or-treaters. Some kids stuck pretty closely to the one candy rule ("OK, you can take two!" one dad told his little superhero).
Even ahead of the big night, lots of people decked out their front porches for the holiday, eerie soundtrack included. Many Ring Video Doorbells caught these homeowners in the act of spooking their visitors; this one in particular startled a bunch of trick-or-treaters, as a massive spider dropped from the wall every time the doorbell button was pressed.
The busiest cities for Ring Video Doorbells were Houston, Miami, and San Antonio—which had more than 2 million Ring doorbell events each, including doorbell rings and all of the motion and commotion happening on the front stoops. Los Angeles and Las Vegas were close behind, with 1.5 million events in each city.

It's a busy season for Ring Video Doorbells, no question, and it's fun to see so many neighbors capture precious moments on their Ring cameras. But at Ring, we're also happy to know that our devices help keep neighborhoods safe and allow people to feel more confident that they are secure during the holidays.
Did you capture any clever costumes or spooky pranks this Halloween? If so, we'd love to see your videos. Send them to submissions@ring.com.

If you have stories or videos you’d like to share with us, please send them to stories@ring.com.