Milestone Moments With Ring
By Ring on December 23, 2024
As we prepare to say goodbye to 2024, it's time to reflect on the moments this year that have kept people close to what's important. Ring devices have captured plenty of life-changing events, from surprise homecomings to first steps. So, let's take a look back at some of the most memorable moments captured by Ring devices.
“One More Day”
Before Juan was deployed, his wife Jimmi gave him a necklace inscribed with “one more day,” a hopeful reminder of their future reunion. To document their journey, Jimmi turned to her Ring Video Doorbell, recording daily countdown messages. Jimmi's Ring-documented journey came full circle, from “one more day” to “he's here”.
A Doorstep “Yes” Moment
After sharing countless memories with his girlfriend of 10 months, Jose knew he had found his perfect match. One evening, as his girlfriend came home from work, Jose casually guided her to the patio. Little did she know, an unforgettable surprise awaited her just beyond the door.
It’s A… GIRL!
Kelly and Celeste were heading out for lunch when their doctor called for a routine check-in. The conversation took an unexpected turn when the doctor asked if they'd like to know their baby's gender. Despite their plans for a gender reveal party, the excitement of the moment was too much to resist.
“I Passed!”
Angie’s been in the real estate business for 24 years, but this year she decided to make it official. After a 63-hour course and two months of hardcore studying, she passed her real estate exam! Way to go, Angie!
Homecoming: Party of Three
Brandon and Alex's Ring camera witnessed a beautiful transition. First, it caught them leaving for the hospital, saying goodbye to life as a duo. Days later, it welcomed them back, now a trio, with baby Lillie in their arms.
Baby’s First Steps!
Gaetano and his wife were spending time with their 9-month-old daughter Caroline when the unexpected happened - their little one took her first steps! For a split second, they regretted not having a camera ready, but luckily their Ring Stick-Up Cam was there to capture the whole thing. What could have been a missed moment became a forever memory.
A Dream Graduation Gift!
Michelle’s son had just graduated from auto mechanic school, and ironically, his own car wasn’t working. His parents then came up with the perfect gift idea. Little did he know, his dream car, a Volkswagen GTI, was waiting inside the garage. Talk about jumpstarting a career!
A Heartwarming Reunion!
It’s not unusual for Lauren’s cat to roam around outdoors and then show up after a couple of days. But, when he was gone for two weeks, Lauren realized he was truly missing. One day, as Lauren was leaving her driveway, she spotted her cat and quickly got out of her car to follow him to the front door. "I've never lost a pet before, so the weeks leading up to this were really hard for me. Seeing him was like a weight lifted off of my chest. I was so relieved, happy, and shocked all at the same time," Lauren recalls.
Little Boy Reacts To Becoming A Big Brother
From Ring customer, Samantha: “This is my son's reaction to learning it was time to be a big brother! It made all the nurses at the hospital cry. He had been looking forward to it this whole time and suddenly realized it was all happening.”
Love, Captured: From First Date to Wedding Night
Megan and Edward’s love journey began in 2018, and thanks to Ring, they can look back and watch their story unfold. From their first date to their first night married and even bringing home their puppy, their Ring devices were there to capture each special memory.
As we head into the new year, Ring will continue to be there for the small, everyday moments to life's big milestones, helping people stay connected to what's important. If you happen to capture something special or life-changing, we'd love to see it! Email us at stories@ring.com to show us your memories. Happy New Year!

If you have stories or videos you’d like to share with us, please send them to stories@ring.com.