Earth Day Ideas & Activities to Help You Celebrate
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Earth Day Ideas & Activities to Help You Celebrate

By Ring on April 22, 2024

This Earth Day, over one billion people will join the movement to give back to our planet. And with a simple act of celebration, you can be one of them.

Learn more about the holiday’s history and get some Earth Day ideas to help make an impact (and have a little Earth-friendly fun).

What Is Earth Day?

According to National Geographic, Earth Day began on April 22, 1970 in an effort to educate Americans on the importance of environmental conservation and garner support for environmental legislation. What started as a modest movement of 20 million people soon gained popularity around the world. The first international Earth Day was in 1990, and today, billions of people across 192 countries celebrate the holiday annually.

10 Fun and Impactful Ways to Celebrate Earth Day

These activities can help you and your family celebrate Earth Day and create new eco-friendly habits.

Organize a Neighborhood Cleanup

You can get your whole neighborhood involved this Earth Day by organizing a cleanup event. Pick a time and day to clean up trash around your street, in local creeks or rivers, or at a local park. Spread the word to your friends, family members, and neighbors in person and over social media, and you’ll start a movement in no time.

Eat an Earth-Friendly Meal

When you sit down for dinner, you probably aren’t thinking about the environmental impact of each food item on your plate. But some items, such as meat and dairy products, produce more carbon emissions than others.

This Earth Day, you can try your hand at a climate-friendly diet by preparing a plant-based meal with organic ingredients. Consider visiting a farmer’s market to get locally grown produce (and support small business owners in your community).

Need ideas for your Earth Day meal? There are so many yummy recipes to try — including decadent plant-based desserts.

Reduce Your Plastic Usage

Plastic pollution affects everything from marine wildlife to human health. Replacing plastic items, especially single-use plastic, with reusable versions can help reduce your environmental impact.

Here are some ideas to help reduce how much plastic you use:

  • Get a reusable water bottle to replace single-use plastic bottles.
  • Buy reusable shopping bags and use them when you go grocery shopping.
  • Pack your lunch in a reusable lunch box and do away with plastic silverware.
  • Use glass, metal, or silicone straws.
  • Replace cling wrap with plant-based food covers, like reusable beeswax wraps.
  • Plant a Tree

    As natural air purifiers, shade providers, and water filters, trees can help slow climate change. So, in honor of both Earth Day and Arbor Day, which is celebrated on April 26, consider planting a tree in your yard or joining a tree-planting event. In honor of Arbor Day, your community may even offer free tree saplings to plant at home in honor of Arbor Day.

    Start Composting

    By composting at home, you can dramatically reduce your food waste — and create nutrient-rich soil for your garden. To get started, all you need is a compost bin, which you can buy or make, some twigs and leaves, and waste from your kitchen to get started. After a few months of building and maintaining your pile, you can start spreading your compost around the garden for a boost of moisture and nutrients.

    Ride Your Bike or Walk Instead of Driving

    According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), every mile you choose not to drive can reduce your greenhouse gas emissions by around 400 grams of carbon dioxide. On Earth Day and beyond, make an effort to walk or bike to destinations within a reasonable distance and take in some fresh air.

    Start a Veggie Garden

    Woman helping little girl garden

    Many of the herbs and veggies you get at the grocery store, such as peppers, green beans, basil, and lettuce, can be grown right in your own backyard. You could even reduce your carbon foodprint (pun intended), create a fun activity for the whole family, and help cut down your grocery bills.

    Find Ways to Conserve Water at Home

    Water is a precious resource everywhere — not just in drought-prone areas. According to ENERGY STAR, conserving water can help keep the environment healthy and even reduce air pollution.

    Here are some ideas to help reduce your water usage at home:

  • Avoid overwatering your plants and choose drought-friendly landscaping where possible.
  • Install a rain barrel to collect and store water for your garden.
  • Use your dishwasher instead of hand-washing dishes, and wait until it’s full to run it.
  • Fix leaks in your home. With a Flo by Moen smart water valve, you can detect hidden leaks and automatically shut off water to prevent loss.
  • The EPA recommends switching to efficient appliances with a WaterSense label, like washing machines and dishwashers.
  • Reduce the length of your shower.
  • Swap Out Your Lightbulbs

    According to, if you use incandescent light bulbs at home, you can reduce your energy usage by 75% or more by switching to LEDs. Smart LED bulbs from Ring can help save even more by enabling you to turn lights off remotely and set schedules. Put them anywhere you already have bulbs, like lamps, ceiling fixtures, and protected outdoor areas, and start saving automatically.

    Attend an Earth Day Event

    From festivals to tree-planting events, there are plenty of opportunities to celebrate and volunteer in your community this Earth Day. You can download the Neighbors App to find out about Earth Day events happening near you or plan a meet-up with your neighbors to help make your community greener together.

    Click to open Neighbors App in App Store. Click to open Neighbors App in Google Play Store.

    Keep the Celebration Going All Year Round

    Earth Day isn’t just a holiday — it’s a movement. You can keep the momentum going throughout the year by finding energy-saving opportunities at home and in your community.

    Happy Earth Day from Ring!


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