Your Guide to Preparing for “Fall” Season
Your Guide to Preparing for “Fall” Season
Home Security, Neighborhood Stories

Your Guide to Preparing for “Fall” Season

By Ring on September 20, 2024

It’s that time of year again. The leaves on the trees turn vibrant colors and the brisk chill in the air signals the transition to a new season, but with the change comes new challenges, too. Autumn weather can bring rain, frost, and in some regions, the first snowfall. These conditions dramatically increase the risk of losing one's footing and taking a dangerous fall. So, in today's, we'll share tips on how to prevent falls and lighthearted moments of people finding joy in their tumbles.

The Trashcan Tango

Shawnda went to retrieve her empty trash bins from the curb and tried to move two at the same time. However, when walking back up her driveway, she took an unexpected dive into one of the bins. Luckily, she found humor in her fall and got right back up!

A Splash Landing

Jeff was preparing for a party at his home. In a hurry to get the backyard tidy before his guests arrived, Jeff decided to clean the pool, but as he leaned over the edge, his foot slipped and he fell in head-first with a mighty splash. The funniest part — Jeff’s dog Daisy witnessed the whole thing and staring back at her owner with an unwavering look.

Extra Cheese on Your Grass, Anyone?

As Emmanuel’s family was returning home from the grocery store, his son slipped and sent a packet of cheese flying across the front yard. But no need to mourn the cheese! Emmanuel’s son and the rest of the family found the moment hilarious, watching him tuck and roll as the cheese spilled out across the lawn.

A Hilarious Canine Calamity

Humans aren’t the only ones prone to an accidental slip. Take Hunter, an adorable Golden Doodle, who went hunting for his missing toy. Wanting to take matters into his own paws, the pup jumped up on the table to retrieve it right before falling off with the toy in tow.

Tips to Prevent Falls

As the leaves change and the weather cools, autumn can present unique challenges when it comes to preventing falls. The combination of wet leaves, slippery surfaces, and reduced daylight hours can increase the risk of accidents. To stay safe during this transitional season, consider the following tips:

  • Be cautious when walking on wet, slippery leaves or icy surfaces, and take extra care when navigating outdoor stairs or uneven terrain.
  • Shorter autumn days mean reduced sunlight, so make sure entryways, stairs, and walkways are well-lit, both inside and outside your home. You can ensure your home's exterior is well-lit with motion-sensor lights like Pathlights and Floodlights.
  • Remove hazards at home. Clear cluttered walkways, secure loose rugs, and fix uneven flooring to reduce the risk of falls.
  • Wear shoes or boots with good traction to help maintain stability and prevent accidents. Look for footwear with non-slip soles that will grip the ground to improve your safety when navigating the autumn landscape.
  • By being proactive and implementing these fall tips, you can navigate the seasonal challenges and maintain your safety throughout the changing weather.

    While falls can certainly be embarrassing in the moment, poking fun at our own clumsiness and learning to laugh at ourselves can transform what could have been an awkward experience into a cherished memory. So the next time you find yourself unexpectedly on the floor, try to see the humor in it. Your future self will thank you for not taking it too seriously.

    Have your own funny videos to share? If so, we’d love to see them! Share videos of your favorite moments captured on your Ring devices by e-mailing us at

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